this is my current work in progress, a variation of the potato chip scarf from knitpicks. this is also my first comissioned piece in the 11+ years i've been knitting. my mom is having me make this for one of her coworkers. the yarn is louisa hardings' "flotsam" and is kind of neat. it's like three strands of varying materials all intertwined. the fiber content is 40% cotton, 45% polyester, 10% viscose and 5% acrylic. this yarn is in colorway 9 which is a pink/teal/red combination. personally if i had to choose this yarn i would have chosen one of the other, less-pink colorways but this isn't my scarf so i really can't have an opinion of it.
i initially cast on way more stitches than the recommended 90, i thought the scarf would be too short and i really like long, drapey scarves. i got about four rows in when i realized that there was no way i was going to make a substantial scarf out of the yarn that i had. so i frogged a good two hours' worth of knitting (knitting horizontally instead of vertically, all while doubling the number of stitches every other row takes f-ing forever) and started over. i also upped the needle size to 11's (i had initially worked it on 9's, bad idea because the stitches were too small to be of any use as ruffles) and have been coming along
scarf as of last night:

closeup of the yarn/scarf:

if i did something with this yarn again i think i would like to make a shawl or a poncho. perhaps some sort of a loose pullover. something breezy and simple for spring/summer as this isn't a yarn whose fabric would hold any substantial heat.