Wednesday, May 16, 2007

meme meme meme meme meme

em tagged me, and so i must post!

1)list 7 random fact about yourself in your blog
2)tag 7 more blogs to do the same

1) i have a kind-of obsession with religious art of all sorts, even though i'm not particularly religious

2) i eat hummus for lunch just about every day

3) i own at least thirty cookbooks

4) when i was in early high school i read a line from the bhagavad-gita that said "learn to live your life like a lotus, untouched by the filthy water it grows in" and that's why i've always lived a straight edge-like lifestyle

5) if there's a motto that i live by it would be 'sing your life despite the spite it may bring'

6) i'm afraid of the dark

7) i posess an embarrassing amount of records

these things are way harder than i always think they're going to be.

i'd tag other people, but emily, you're about the only one i know who has a blog, that would do a thing like this.

oh, and i've been knitting like a fiend lately, but haven't gotten around to taking any pictures. maybe i'll do that soon!