even if the yarn you're suprised with is for somebody else. got this tastycake of a ball of yarn in the mail yesterday. it's rowan classic baby alpaca dk, i think it's in either the thistle or zinc colorway (i didn't check).... a really pretty greyish-blue. the yarn is going to get itself made into a pair of
knucks for melissa. she ordered the yarn from
jimmy bean's wool, which is a rad yarn company for a lot of reasons, the least of which that they send goodies with every package! this time i got two pineapple candies and two little buttons with fish blowing bubbles on them. melissa, you can have the candy, i am for sure keeping these buttons! but what to use them for? i'm sure i'll figure something out. i may just sew them onto something as a purely decorative touch, because they're f-ing adorable.
in other, sort-of knitty-related

news, i think i've discovered my future husband. aside from being a total cutie, he knits and designed a rad baseball-style raglan
shirt (which has an X purled into the sleeve, can he also possibly be straightedge?!!!?) for the new issue of knitty. apparently he lives in berlin :( so i guess i'll just have to wait. is that a tattoo i see peeking out from under the shirt? and plugs in his ears? uh, yes please.
knitty actually has a lot of awesome looking patterns in this season's issue. aside from wanting to make the above-mentioned shirt (i just need to find a nice boy to make it for!) i'm already considering frogging that
alpaca shawl i'm working on and re-working the yarn as the
muir wrap. ooh, and the
roam hoodie looks delicious (even though the yarn for it is like thirty dollars a skein! jesus christ!) as does the
foliage beanie (i already have the malabrigo it calls for! excellent!). it's going to be a busy fall.
i haven't even begun to think about christmas knitting yet.....
Yeah you can't have him because I love him too. And I'm actually traveling to Berlin in February ... muahahahaha
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